Beauty will save the world

Here below are a few pieces from the second chapel in the series, Beauty Will Save the World. 

Remember, it is more an interactive meditation and intended to be a ritualised enticing provocation to curious minds and empathetic hearts.

                        Gathering Intention:       
I am here. As I am.
                                God is here. Always here.      
                                I am open, to wonder, to receive, to see anew.
I am ready.

Almighty God, your Word sings the world into life
and in resurrection brings peace.
Let your Word live in us,
that though in our homes and apart,
we would be together with others;
that we would find the beauty and share the peace
where we are and with whom we live. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Jesus said, 
blessed are the peace makers – they shall inherit the earth.

                                What on earth might that mean? What is peace making?

                                How is it possible to be an instrument of peace?
                                Where there is unrest and distrust, how could we sow love?
                                Where there is hurt and anger, how could we bring healing?
                                Where there are shadows and darkness, how can we bring light?
And if the hurt is in our own hearts and bodies and memory,
how can we be a part of healing?


Jesus returned from the dead, and did not spread vengeance or retribution, but kindness and peace.
And in sharing the Holy Spirit, Jesus asks us all to be a part of peace making. Is this not beautiful?
Why watch ‘Human, the movie’ alongside? Because the people, the music, the scenery, the wildlife, all of it is beautiful. But also to make plain the context: whatever Jesus does in Easter, it is for the good of all, not just a few. 



If you would prefer just to let a prayer wash over you, and it is specific to our COVID times, breathe this in. It is what it sounds like when peace stirs within and moves outwards from our hearts and through our lips and hands. When we notice what is happening around us in these COVID days, what if a song of praise was to rise? And could it come from the heart of devastation - NYC?
It comes from an amazing community giving rise to The Work of The People, which is the name of the website.


Goodness is stronger than evil;
Love is stronger than hate;
Light is stronger than darkness;
Life is stronger than death.
Christ is risen and shares a peace that never ends.
Alleluia amen.
Alleluia amen.
Let this beauty live in us.


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